National Wildlife Federation

Management of Wild Horses and Burros

Number: 1975-26   WHEREAS, wild horses and burros compete with native wildlife and domestic livestock for forage and water and create serious problems of erosion; and WHEREAS, wild horses and burros must be managed and maintained in numbers in harmony with the ability of the environment to support them and other desirable forms of wildlife and livestock; and WHEREAS, current restrictions impo ...[Read More]

Preservation of Agricultural Lands

Number: 1975-23   WHEREAS, much of the country’s farmland is an irreplaceable resource which should be protected and improved, both for its ecological significance and because of its contribution to the Nation’s economy; and WHEREAS, little progress has been made in developing a coordinated and unified approach to land use planning; and WHEREAS, if the fate of agriculture and agri ...[Read More]

Roadside Zoos or Menageries

Number: 1975-06   WHEREAS, many so-called roadside zoos or menageries frequently are established as adjunct to commercial ventures by individuals unskilled in the handling and care of wildlife; and WHEREAS, roadside zoos or menageries often are permitted to operate with a minimum of governmental oversight; and WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation long has supported the maintenance of wil ...[Read More]

Flood Plain Management

Number: 1975-04   WHEREAS, present governmental flood plain policies reflect past needs–ready access to water transportation, easy water supply, simplified construction sites, and multi-facet management with continued development; and WHEREAS, current floods frequently are higher and more destructive and expensive, despite structural protective works (dams, levees, channels), than those ...[Read More]

Establishing a National Energy Policy

Number: 1975-02   WHEREAS, the use of energy in the United States has outstripped the Nation’s capability to produce it under current conditions of use, resulting in unfavorable international trade imbalances; and WHEREAS, these circumstances have provoked efforts to meet demands with supplies of energy from all sources, many of which can be exploited only with great hazard to the natur ...[Read More]

Desert Land Entries

Number: 1975-31   WHEREAS, in recent years the values of public domain lands have soared far beyond the present filing fee of 25¢ per acre; and WHEREAS, these desert and semi-arid lands are becoming of increasing value as habitat for wildlife and domestic livestock; and WHEREAS, these lands are significant in the economics of communities for wildlife, recreational, and aesthetic purposes, val ...[Read More]

Financing of Wildlife Refuge Requisition Program

Number: 1975-14   WHEREAS, the abundance of our wild waterfowl population is directly related to the amount of waterfowl wetland habitat available; and WHEREAS, the United States duck hunter, through his purchase of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp, otherwise known as the Duck Stamp, has carried a considerable financial burden of purchasing the necessary wetlands for wildlife habitat; and WHE ...[Read More]

Conversion from the Use of Lead Shot

Number: 1975-18   WHEREAS, lead shot poisoning of migratory waterfowl is a serious problem and warrants solution; and WHEREAS, alternative shot has been developed which is sufficiently effective to begin a conversion from the use of lead shot; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior has the responsibility under international treaty and federal law to protect migratory waterfowl; and ...[Read More]