Timber Management Policies of the U.S. Forest Service

Number: 1975-15


WHEREAS, the President’s Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment recommends that public and private practices to increase timber production be concentrated on lands which are most responsive to intensified management; and

WHEREAS, intensive forestry management can result in conflicts with other of the multiple uses when applied to areas which are least capable of sustaining high timber yields or where land use plans show that other values transcend commercial timber; and

WHEREAS, inclusion of marginal areas incapable of producing at least 50 cubic feet per year results in an increase in the total allowable cut; and

WHEREAS, the poor economic feasibility of cutting submarginal areas tends to concentrate the computed allowable cut on the more productive sites and may result in their being overcut;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual convention assembled March 14-16, 1975, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hereby recommends that the U.S. Forest Service concentrate its timber management upon those areas which are most responsive, removing from the “regulated”, and placing in the “unregulated” designation those lands in the Rocky Mountain regions which are incapable of producing at least 50 cubic feet per acre per year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that similar, though not necessarily identical, standards be developed for other regions when necessary.