Marine Sanctuaries

Number: 1975-05


WHEREAS, marine sanctuaries may be established in ocean areas as far seaward as the edge of the Continental Shelf or other coastal waters where the tide ebbs and flows, or of the Great Lakes and their connecting waters; and

WHEREAS, these areas provide habitat for many species of fish, shellfish, and water birds as well as a basic food resource for man; and

WHEREAS, sanctuaries offer unique, valuable, and scenic opportunities for many types of public outdoor recreation, including fishing, hunting, boating, skindiving, swimming, and nature study; and

WHEREAS, many of these areas have been damaged or destroyed by ocean dumping, construction, and offshore development; and

WHEREAS, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to cooperate with affected states in the establishment of marine sanctuaries;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual convention assembled March 14-16, 1975, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hereby expresses its belief that it should be the policy of the Federal Government: to more fully utilize its authority to establish marine sanctuaries where necessary to preserve ecological values; to coordinate its efforts in regional and local planning to identify those areas which are valuable for wildlife conservation, sport and commercial fishing, outdoor recreation and scenic beauty and for preservation as marine sanctuaries; to maximize utilization of existing government management and research capabilities at all levels; to protect long-term interests by maintaining and enhancing the environmental quality of the coastal zone; and to define optimum conditions in the coastal zone and support measures to achieve them.