National Wildlife Federation

Promoting and Advocating For Soil Health Management Systems

Number: 2017-04   WHEREAS, building soil health is fundamental to life on earth by sustaining soil, plant, animal, and human health; and WHEREAS, with rising world populations, only by building soil health can we address the world’s increasing demands for fuel, food, and fiber; and WHEREAS, the soil health principles include: keeping the soil covered as much as possible, disturbing the soil a ...[Read More]

Standing with Communities in Decreasing Reliance on Fossil Fuels

Number: 2017-12   WHEREAS, the warming of planet Earth due to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels threatens ecosystems, wildlife, and natural iconic landscapes, as well as human communities and water and food security; and WHEREAS, in June 2016 the National Wildlife Federation adopted Resolution 2016-03 endorsing the December 2015 Paris Agreement, which set a science-based goal to limi ...[Read More]

Management of Fish and Wildlife as Critical Components of Wilderness Areas

Number: 2017-11   WHEREAS, the Wilderness Act of 1964 contains the will of the Congress that “nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the jurisdiction or responsibilities of the several States with respect to wildlife and fish;” and WHEREAS, several administrative decisions concerning fish and wildlife management in wilderness areas made through interpretation of the Act, appear t ...[Read More]

Feral Hog Toxicants

Number: 2017-10   WHEREAS, feral hogs (Sus scrofa and related non-native porcine species to include those referred to as feral swine or “wild boar”) are highly successful, non-native, extremely invasive habitat generalists, and are increasing their range annually, threatening the well-being and ecological balance of native ecosystems and agriculture; and WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federat ...[Read More]

Opposition to a Continuous Wall along the U.S.-Mexico Border for its Significant Impacts on Wildlife

Number: 2017-09   WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation and its affiliates strongly advocate the protection and conservation of wildlife populations and their essential habitats, including movement corridors essential to meet wildlife survival needs along the southern border of the United States with Mexico and fostering joint conservation of wildlife species currently listed or being con ...[Read More]

Protection and Restoration of the Ohio River

Number: 2017-08   WHEREAS, the Ohio River is the largest tributary, by volume of water, of the Mississippi River; and WHEREAS, the 981-mile river provides drinking water for more than 5 million people and flows through or along the borders of six states: Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Ohio River Basin supports more than 25 million people, ...[Read More]

Suspension of Neonicotinoid Pesticide Use

Number: 2017-02   WHEREAS, native bee and other pollinator populations are in decline with more than a quarter of North America’s bumblebee species facing some level of extinction risk; and WHEREAS, these pollinators are essential to the reproduction of nearly 85 percent of the world’s flowering plants and are needed to produce more than a third of the food and beverages humans consume; and W ...[Read More]

Funding for Federal Agencies

Number: 2017-13   WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation has a long and proud history of supporting the federal, state and local agencies and those who work in/for them that act as the stewards of our natural resources, as the defenders of our wildlife and habitat and as the guardians of air and water quality; and WHEREAS, the breadth of mission for public agencies continues to grow as the ...[Read More]

Support for Growing Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity in Conservation

Number: 2017-06   WHEREAS, to honor and reflect the contributions of diverse and historical communities who have supported the national and international wildlife conservation movement for centuries, including those who have been excluded from the movement, we recognize and embrace the diversity of ethnic, cultural, gender, age, socioeconomic, and geographic diversity involved in the conserva ...[Read More]

Providing for a Fair, Just, and Sustainable Transition from Fossil Fuels

Number: 2016-04 WHEREAS, human-caused climate change caused by burning fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas is a massive threat facing our nation’s wildlife, habitat, waterways, lands, societal health, and way of life; and WHEREAS, scientists are telling us that to avert the most dangerous impacts from climate change requires deep decarbonization of the global energy system to limit ...[Read More]