Standing with Communities in Decreasing Reliance on Fossil Fuels

Number: 2017-12


WHEREAS, the warming of planet Earth due to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels threatens ecosystems, wildlife, and natural iconic landscapes, as well as human communities and water and food security; and

WHEREAS, in June 2016 the National Wildlife Federation adopted Resolution 2016-03 endorsing the December 2015 Paris Agreement, which set a science-based goal to limit global warming to no more than 2 degrees Celsius in order to minimize harmful impacts on human society and wildlife from climate change; and

WHEREAS, a continued increase in fossil fuel combustion is inconsistent with this scientific goal; and

WHEREAS, experts declare that if we continue to build fossil fuel facilities and do not replace fossil fuel energy swiftly with renewable sources, wildlife will face potentially dire consequences as we fail to reach the Paris Agreement goal; and

WHEREAS, continued building of fossil fuel facilities that are contrary to a sustainable future creates pollution, disruption, and financial costs for communities, contributes to the despoiling of the natural world, and leaves costly stranded assets that prevent the public’s money from being used to create social benefits; and

WHEREAS, costs for electricity generation from renewable wind and solar sources have plummeted in the last decade, making wind energy competitive with fossil fuels today and solar energy competitive with fossil fuels by 2025; and

WHEREAS, communities around the country are rising up in opposition to the expansion of the fossil fuel industries; and

WHEREAS, the growth in clean and renewable power sources such as solar and wind and energy storage technologies demonstrates that we will be able to generate sufficient power to run our communities without destroying wildlife habitat, devastating human communities, or further damaging the climate.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual convention assembled June 8-10, 2017 in Stevenson, Washington, supports protecting communities and wildlife from fossil fuel expansion projects and working to decrease reliance on fossil fuels in favor of wildlife friendly renewable technologies for energy generation.