Resolution 2023-07
WHEREAS, the NWF Mission envisions “Uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world,” and
WHEREAS, in 1937, Congress passed legislation entitled the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson Act), which was the model for the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act (Dingell-Johnson Act) passed in 1950 and amended by the Wallop-Breaux amendment in 1984; and
WHEREAS, these Acts were originally conceived, supported, promoted and continue to be defended by a coalition of sportspersons, manufacturers, non-governmental conservation organizations, and fish and wildlife agencies; and
WHEREAS, the principal purpose of these Acts is to place an excise tax on firearms, ammunition, sportfishing equipment, fishing tackle, boats, and certain other equipment, and a portion of the gas tax; and
WHEREAS, the funds generated from the payment of these taxes were and are dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the fish and wildlife resources of this nation; and
WHEREAS, these Pittman-Robertson funds are provided to state wildlife agencies for wildlife conservation and hunter education programs in each state and territory, which in Fiscal Year 2023 totaled almost $1.2 billion; and
WHEREAS, Dingell-Johnson/Wallop-Breaux funds are provided to state fisheries agencies to restore, enhance, and manage sport fishery resources, the development and maintenance of boating access facilities and aquatic education programs in each state and territory, which in Fiscal Year 2023 totaled almost $425 million; and
WHEREAS, this landmark user pay, public benefit program has restored and protected previously threatened wildlife species to healthy and viable populations and contributes to the conservation and restoration of sport fish species and their habitats. These funds also support connecting people with nature through outdoor recreational opportunities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, at its Annual Meeting assembled June 21-24, 2023, will protect and enhance this funding source for decades to come by:
- addressing loopholes and technology changes to combat slippage where excise taxes are not collected;
- protecting this funding from diversion of its intended uses; and
- retaining the current dedication of the excise taxes on hunting, fishing, boating and recreational shooting equipment and motorboat fuel sales for public access and for fish and wildlife conservation purposes.