Number: 2007-14
WHEREAS, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council held public hearings in September 2006 in the management process to implement a series of eight (8) marine protected areas in federal waters in the South Atlantic; and
WHEREAS, the proposed marine protected areas are the result of years of planning with recommendations from advisory panels and public input through workshops, scoping meetings and informal hearings to protect overfished species; and
WHEREAS, a collaborative approach was utilized to identify the sites; and
WHEREAS, the eight (8) proposed marine protected areas being considered are to protect a portion of the population and habitat of long-lived, deepwater snapper grouper species (snowy grouper, misty grouper, speckled hind, yellowedge grouper, warsaw grouper, golden tilefish and blue tilefish) from direct fishing pressure; and
WHEREAS, within the proposed marine protected areas fishing for and the possession of snapper grouper species would be prohibited, but fishermen would be allowed to troll for pelagic species such as tuna, mackerel and billfish; and
WHEREAS, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council plans to work closely with the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries’ Highly Migratory Species Division to prohibit the use of bottom longlines by shark fishermen; and
WHEREAS, sportfishing anglers recognize the importance of conserving all species for the long term benefit of the marine ecosystem;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, at its annual meeting assembled March 30-31, 2007, in Washington, D.C., recognizes the vulnerability for deepwater species being overfished and urges the establishment of the marine protected areas proposed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council to serve as nursery areas and refuges for deepwater species; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports marine protected areas being managed by federal marine fisheries professionals with the primary and foremost objective of conserving the marine resource, and that this management may include provisions for complete closure to exploitation when professionals determine or reasonably believe closure is in the best interest of marine resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports the provision of opportunities for regulated fishing within marine protected areas only when that activity is projected to be sustainable and not to have a significant negative impact on marine resources.