PEW Ocean Commission and U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Reports

Number: 2005-05


PEW Oceans Commission and U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Reports WHEREAS, both the PEW Oceans Commission and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy reports state that America’s oceans are in crisis and, therefore, there is a need to implement a national policy to provide healthy, functioning oceans for today and the future; and

WHEREAS, more than half the U.S. population lives in coastal counties and the resident population in this area is expected to increase by 25 million people by 2015 and more than 180 million people visit the seashore for recreation every year; and

WHEREAS, hundreds of thousands of jobs in fishing, recreation, and tourism depend on healthy, functioning coastal ecosystems; and

WHEREAS, hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of investment are at risk in fisheries; and

WHEREAS, pollution and urban sprawl threaten ocean-related tourism and recreation; and

WHEREAS, all Americans depend on the oceans and affect the oceans regardless of where they live as ocean currents circulate the energy and regulate the earth’s climate and weather; and

WHEREAS, our dependence on and use of ocean resources are exposing limits on the natural systems once viewed as inexhaustible; and

WHEREAS, the nation needs to ensure healthy, productive, and resilient oceans for the present and future generations;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation at its annual meeting assembled April 1-2, 2005, in Washington, D.C., recognizes that the importance of achieving and maintaining healthy oceans requires us to increase our stewardship and responsibility for the oceans; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress should consider the recommendations of the PEW Oceans Commission and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and reform United States ocean policy, and adopt the reports’ essential recommendations. These essential recommendations include: applying principles of ecosystem health and integrity, sustainability, and precaution to federal policies; unifying national ocean policy based on protection and sustainable use of ocean resources; encouraging comprehensive and coordinated governance of ocean resources and uses; restructuring fishery management institutions and reorienting fisheries policy to protect and sustain the ecosystems on which fisheries depend; protecting important habitats and managing coastal development to minimize habitat damage and water quality impairment; and controlling sources of pollution, particularly nutrients that harm marine resources; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress follow the PEW Oceans Commission’s recommendation by enacting a National Ocean Policy Act to protect, maintain, and restore the health, integrity, resilience, and productivity of America’s oceans.