Coordinated Management of Double-Crested Cormorants

Number: 2004-15


WHEREAS the double-crested cormorants (DCCO) population, at one time devasted by persistent pesticides, has recovered to meet or exceed the best estimates of historic population levels; and

WHEREAS, DCCOs continue to increase in range and abundance; and

WHEREAS, federal rules governing DCCOs have been relaxed to permit DCCO control by states and other agencies; and

WHEREAS, largely due to funding inadequacies with the USFWS, control measures may soon be implemented by state agencies without appropriate levels of leadership, coordination and participation by the USFWS, which is ultimately responsible for defining the role of DCCOs in the Great Lakes ecosystem, and for establishing appropriate targets based on sound scientific management for its distribution and abundance in the Great Lakes region and to the south; and

WHEREAS, the Fisheries Section of the USFWS and the Migratory Bird Section of the USFWS should be fully involved in setting goals, coordinating control and assessing the progress of DCCO management efforts; and

WHEREAS, funding involvement of the USFWS in the planning, assessment and management of DCCO populations is needed,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation, at its annual meeting assembled March 11-13, 2004, in St. Louis, Missouri, hereby urges the President, Congress, the Secretary of the Interior, and USFWS to take the necessary action to establish regional management objectives for DCCOs and to provide appropriate leadership, funding, coordination, control and assessment necessary to meet those objectives.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event of any DCCO population reduction efforts, particular care should be exercised to minimize non-target bird species mortality in the colony targeted for reduction.