Coastal Habitat

Number: 1999-14


WHEREAS, protection of coastal and estuarine habitats, and the coastal basins and inland ecosystems they depend on, is essential for the long-term health and sustainability of our nation’s fisheries, waterfowl, and the world’s oceans; and

WHEREAS, sea grass meadows and kelp beds sustain diverse ecosystems which nurture fish, shellfish, migratory and non-migratory birds and other wildlife species; and

WHEREAS, coastal marshes support 75% of the nation’s commercial fisheries and serve as home to birds and other wildlife and as stop-overs for migratory birds; provide habitat for rare species of fish, birds, plants, animals and insects; buffer the shoreline from storm; protect property from erosion, storm damage, and flooding; clean water by filtering sediments, nutrients, heavy metals and other toxins from upland runoff; and provide people with unique and special places for fishing, hunting, canoeing, walking and educational and other opportunities; and

WHEREAS, mudflats, rocky shores, and river deltas are habitat for 30% of wintering waterfowl in the United States and historic fish runs provide habitat for spawning shad, river herring, Atlantic and Pacific salmon, American eel, smelt and sturgeon; and

WHEREAS, goals for the Federal Clean Water Act are for the restoration of the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the nation’s waters; and

WHEREAS, coastal development, point and non-point pollution, and other human activities have destroyed significant coastal and estuarine habitat, and the sustainability of remaining habitat is threatened;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in its Annual Meeting assembled March 18-21, 1999, in Houston, Texas, advocates the protection and restoration of coastal and estuarine habitats, so that coastal resources are functional and sustainable, and that our nation’s heritage is preserved for present and future generation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports a net gain in coastal and estuarine habitats; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports local, state and federal laws, funding, policies, and programs that protect and restore such habitats; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports the efforts of affiliates, community groups, municipalities, and state and federal agencies and cities and towns to identify, protect and restore coastal habitats.