Number: 1996-06
WHEREAS, the United States Congress has, for over a hundred years, demonstrated a commitment to conservation, beginning with the designation of Yellowstone as a national park, and continuing through the years with the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Federal Aid in Fisheries Restoration Act, Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and other legislation; and
WHEREAS, effective conservation laws are essential for providing a healthy, clean, and safe environment which is the foundation for a productive and prosperous economy; and
WHEREAS, special interest groups are pressuring Congress to repeal this proud heritage which has brought the United States tremendous wildlife resources, a world-renowned set of national land conservation systems, cleaner air, and cleaner water; and
WHEREAS, national polls show consistent strong public support for conservation; and
WHEREAS, existing caucuses do not adequately address nor consistently support the best interests of hunters, anglers, outdoor enthusiasts, and other conservationists who want a stronger voice in Congress;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in its Annual Meeting assembled March 1-3, 1996 in West Palm Beach, Florida, urges Congress to continue the historical legacy of environmental protection by strengthening, not weakening, environmental laws; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation urges members of Congress to create a bipartisan “Congressional Conservation Caucus,” which would pursue the protection, enhancement, and sustainability of the natural resources integral to the conservation of wildlife and wild places for the people of the nation including hunters, anglers, and other conservationists for whom these values matter so much.