Number: 1994-03
WHEREAS, populations of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) have been increasing for many years in the Great Lakes; and
WHEREAS, annual federal allocations to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission have fallen well short of the levels needed to effectively administer a control program; and
WHEREAS, this annual shortfall in funding has resulted in lamprey populations reaching critical levels in the Great Lakes, thereby jeopardizing a sport fishery worth billions of dollars to the Great Lakes Basin; and
WHEREAS, additional research, which cannot continue nor expand without additional monies, is necessary to reduce or eliminate our dependence on chemical control; and
WHEREAS, a Congressional commitment is needed to identify and utilize an alternative funding source to adequately fund sea lamprey control on a long-term basis; and
WHEREAS, efforts over the past decade by state and national sportfishing groups to increase federal allocations have been largely unsuccessful in meeting target levels;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 4-6, 1994 in Austin, Texas, urges the Congress of the United States to adequately and fully fund sea lamprey control on a long-term basis, including continuing research on non-chemical procedures.