Number: 1994-14
WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States of America did, in 1937, pass a bill entitled Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson); and
WHEREAS, this Act was originally conceived, supported, and promoted by a coalition of sportspersons, sporting arms manufacturers, and fish and wildlife agencies; and
WHEREAS, the principal purpose of this Act was to place an excise tax on firearms, ammunition, and certain other equipment; and
WHEREAS, the funds generated from the payment of this tax were and are dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the wildlife resources of this nation; and
WHEREAS, these funds are provided to state wildlife agencies for wildlife conservation and hunter education programs in each state; and
WHEREAS, this landmark user pay-public benefit program has restored and protected previously threatened huntable wildlife species to healthy and viable populations; and
WHEREAS, current tax and fee proposals would reduce many conservation, game and habitat management and environmental benefits derived from Pittman-Robertson funds; and
WHEREAS, the effect of more ammunition taxes may curtail hunting and the possession of firearms by law-abiding citizens by pricing firearms out of the reach of the average citizen thus reducing revenues for conservation; and
WHEREAS, significant increase in license application fees for dealers in firearms would cause small dealers — especially in rural areas to give up their licenses thus severely inconveniencing the law-abiding hunter and shooter and further reducing revenues for conservation; and
WHEREAS, redirecting Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robertson) funds represents a break in trust to the law-abiding American sportsperson, and threatens wildlife management programs and environmental benefits in all 50 states; and
WHEREAS, there are at least two proposals now pending in the U.S. Congress that, by diverting approximately 40% of the funds now received by the 50 states from wildlife restoration to other purposes, would inflict a disastrous impact upon this remarkable program;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 4-6, 1994 in Austin, Texas, along with its state affiliate member organizations, calls upon the Congress of the United States of America to reject these proposals, in fact and in concept and to retain the integrity of the current dedication of the firearm and ammunitions excise tax for wildlife conservation purposes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation opposes additional taxes that would have an adverse effect on the generation of funds for the Federal Aid to Wildlife (Pittman-Robertson) fund; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation renews its strong support for the process and the cooperative wildlife conservation programs conducted under the authority of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act.