Number: 1992-20
WHEREAS, in 1991 Congress established the Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge near Prairie City, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is now in the advanced planning stages for the refuge; and
WHEREAS, Walnut Creek watershed, in which the refuge would be established, is suitable for restoration and enhancement of native prairie vegetation, savannahs and streamside woodlands characteristic of the region’s landscape prior to its settlement by Europeans; and
WHEREAS, the refuge is within a few minutes drive of the largest metropolitan center in Iowa and will afford thousands of citizens the opportunity to learn more about the region’s natural history prior to its settlement by Europeans;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 19-22, 1992, in Portland, Oregon, supports the FWS’s ongoing planning efforts for the Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge near Prairie City, Iowa; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that natural history education, scientific research, reconstruction of native plant and animal communities and management of biological diversity be central components of the final plan adopted by the FWS.