Number: 1990-19
WHEREAS, America and the world are faced with a number of natural resource utilization and environmental quality problems which threaten the lives and well-being of all humans, wildlife and our shared habitat; and
WHEREAS, most of these problems are caused or aggravated by unwise human intervention in the natural ecosystems of the world; and
WHEREAS, many of these problems can be solved, their impacts lessened, or avoided entirely, through informed and responsible human actions; and
WHEREAS, such restorative and preventative actions are very much dependent on the decisions people make–individually, within family units, communities and nations; and
WHEREAS, wise and informed environmental decision-making is based on the knowledge, skills and commitment gained through effective instructional programs provided at all levels of the educational system; and
WHEREAS, it is absolutely essential that such programs be provided IN the schools of the nation, and that technical personnel be trained to perform the various environmental management tasks efficiently as well; and
WHEREAS, a national commitment to environmental education and technical training coupled with active leadership and effective program support is essential to developing an environmental literacy and a commitment to work for the highest possible levels of environmental quality; and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Education and Technical Training Act would (1) declare environmental education and technical training to be an important national priority, (2) establish in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency an office to administer a federal program to encourage and assist effective programs at all levels utilizing monies raised through fines collected for violation of environmental quality regulations; and
WHEREAS, passage of this legislation, and vigorous implementation by the Administration would dramatically upgrade the quantity and quality of environmental education and technical training in the nation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 15-18, 1990, in Denver, Colorado, urges Congress to adopt the Environmental Education & Technical Training Act and the President to sign it.