Number: 1990-04
WHEREAS, most environmental problems are increasingly global in scope and the National Wildlife Federation and its affiliates recognize that we must prepare ourselves to deal with them on an international basis; and
WHEREAS, the pace of degradation of the earth’s atmosphere, water and land is accelerating in most countries, due to increasing human populations and the higher consumption desires of the larger populations; and
WHEREAS, the carrying capacity of many areas of the world has already been exceeded and the Federation’s other environmental initiatives such as wetlands protection and energy conservation have little chance of success unless population growth is slowed;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 15-18, 1990, in Denver, Colorado, affirms our goal to proceed with international programs designed to help our counterpart environmental groups in other countries to build active constituencies for conservation and wise management of natural resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation confirms our commitment to address the problem of population growth as an environmental issue which affects the well-being of all inhabitants of the planet, and emphasizes the importance of worldwide population stability.