Tehama-Colusa Canal Situation

Number: 1989-20


WHEREAS, the Bureau of Reclamation has announced an agreement to transfer operation of the Tehama-Colusa Canal Facilities to the Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority; and

WHEREAS, the facilities include systems to mitigate for loss of salmon and steelhead related to Red Bluff Diversion Dam construction and operation, and enhancement of salmon stocks in the dual purpose canal; and

WHEREAS, these fish protection systems have not functioned satisfactorily, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game have been attempting to improve this situation in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation; and

WHEREAS, the agreement does not refer to Bureau commitments to mitigate and enhance salmon and steelhead stocks;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 16-19, 1989, in Arlington, Virginia urges that the Bureau of Reclamation institute measures that will ensure the mitigation of loss of salmon stocks and the enhancement of salmon habitat in the dual purpose canal as originally agreed.