Number: 1988-02
WHEREAS, the Virgin Islands National Park on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, encompasses more than 60% of the terrestrial and marine resources of the island; and
WHEREAS, the Territorial government of the U.S. Virgin Islands holds title to several small, offshore cays which are considered conservation or wildlife sanctuaries and which are valuable as seabird nesting sites; and
WHEREAS, the Territorial government of the Virgin Islands has limited financial and personnel capabilities to administer and monitor these offshore cays; and
WHEREAS, the National Park Service has demonstrated an expertise for administering and monitoring the status of natural resources and has demonstrated expertise in properly managing unique and endangered flora and fauna of the Virgin Islands, and has the capability of properly managing the offshore cays currently owned by the Territorial government; and
WHEREAS, the National Park Service is mandated through its enabling legislation to acquire representative areas for cultural and natural history preservation for the benefit of all the citizens of the United States;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 17-20, 1988, in New Orleans, Louisiana requests the National Park Service to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of (1) the land use needs of the Virgin Islands National Park, (2) the status of important but unprotected unique natural resources of St. John as well as outlying cays and islands which are currently not encompassed within the Park and (3) the advisability of exchanging lands within Virgin Islands National Park for lands with critical environmental resources within the jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands Territorial government.