Number: 1988-13
WHEREAS, the National Fish Hatchery System supplies fish critical for ongoing restoration and mitigation projects for nationally important anadromous fish stocks around the United States; and
WHEREAS, a number of the anadromous fish stocks supported by the National Fish Hatchery System are at exceedingly low population levels relative to their historical abundance; and
WHEREAS, the Coleman Hatchery (California) providing Sacramento River winter run chinook salmon, the Craig Brook Hatchery (Maine) providing Atlantic salmon, and the Harrison Lake Hatchery (Virginia) providing striped bass, are prime examples of National Fish Hatchery System facilities that continue to have substantial rehabilitation needs to address the challenges associated with these restoration efforts; and
WHEREAS, despite the priorities to restore degraded habitat to ensure these and other anadromous fish stocks can achieve sustainable, naturally-reproducing populations, the National Fish Hatchery System will continue into the forseeable future to be a vital element of anadromous fish restoration efforts; and
WHEREAS, the Nation can realize significant biological, social, recreational, and economic benefits from the success of these programs;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 17-20, 1988, in New Orleans, Louisiana urges the United States Congress to provide adequate funding for operating, maintaining and, where necessary, upgrading facilities of the National Fish Hatchery System Program which supports anadromous fish restoration.