Number: 1987-30
WHEREAS, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from Canada and the United States (6.5 and 44 million tons respectively) are the major cause of acid rain in both countries; and
WHEREAS, acid rain drastically reduces the ability of water bodies to sustain life, including plants and animals, and adversely affects the quality of life for all living things; and
WHEREAS, clean air is not a privilege, but a right; and
WHEREAS, the government of Canada is committed to reducing its emissions by 50% by 1994, and the government of the United States remains unwilling to implement reductions in sulfur and nitrogen emissions, or set target dates for emission reductions; and
WHEREAS, the Canadian Wildlife Federation has expressed fears that the government of the United States may be willing to decrease emissions in return for Canadian government concessions in unrelated political issues;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 19-22, 1987, in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada vigorously opposes any attempt by the Canadian and United States governments to link the acid rain with unrelated political issues, and opposes any attempt to class clean air as a commodity to be traded or compromised.