New Wildlife Refuges in Puerto Rico

Number: 1986-08


WHEREAS, Cartagena and Tortuguero Lagoons include the best habitat for migratory waterfowl and the richest diversity of flora in Puerto Rico; and

WHEREAS, the quality of the habitat of both areas is deteriorating and will continue to do so due to a lack of protection and management; and

WHEREAS, after years of fruitless efforts by conservationists in Puerto Rico to finance the preservation of these areas with local funds, in 1984 the U.S. Congress appropriated $5,000,000 and instructed the Fish and Wildlife Service to acquire first Cartagena and then Tortuguero and the immediately surrounding lands and incorporate them into the National Wildlife Refuge System; and

WHEREAS, the Fish and Wildlife Service has not complied with the directive of Congress;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 20-23, 1986, in Seattle, Washington, recognizes the vital importance of adding these two areas to the National Wildlife Refuge System and requests the Fish and Wildlife Service to proceed immediately with their acquisition, protection, and management as part of the System.