Helicopters and Other Aircraft Intrusion Into Parks and Wilderness Areas

Number: 1986-26


WHEREAS, parks and wilderness are valued at least in part for solitude and serenity; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 requires fixed-wing aircraft to maintain certain minimum altitudes, but exempts helicopters; and

WHEREAS, sightseeing by helicopter is a relatively new industry that has experienced rapid growth; and

WHEREAS, the noise generated by these sightseeing flights destroys opportunities for solitude and serenity in park and wilderness areas; and

WHEREAS, numerous and longstanding complaints testify to the invasion of privacy, high noise levels, and intrusion upon and destruction of wilderness values caused by these flights; and

WHEREAS, the Wilderness Act of 1964 requires the preservation of primeval conditions in designated wilderness areas; and

WHEREAS, areas of Grand Canyon National Park, and Haleakala National Park and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, among others, are already experiencing significant adverse impacts from helicopters and fixed wing aircraft; and

WHEREAS, wildlife researchers have proven that foraging efficiency is reduced in desert bighorn sheep in the Grand Canyon due to aircraft operations, which ultimately lowers reproductive fitness of the species; and

WHEREAS, the Noise Control Act of 1972 gives primary responsibility for control of aircraft noise to the Federal Aviation Administration; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration does not have any specific regulations for helicopter operations, with the exception of rules and regulations governing approach and landing at major air carrier facilities; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration’s “Fly Neighborly” program, implemented by the Helicopter Association International in 1981, has proven ineffective in dealing with the aforementioned problems and requires an inordinate amount of citizen policing; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has shown continued reluctance to set up and enforce rules and regulations concerning minimum altitudes, flight paths, and time schedules for helicopter use;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled, March 20-23, 1986, in Seattle, Washington, urges the Federal government to enact legislation or promulgate rules that will:

  1. provide specific noise and safety related flight regulations for helicopters; and
  2. require the FAA to work with local governments, affected land management agencies, and citizen groups to develop an altitude and flight path system for helicopter operations throughout the nation which is consistent with designated land uses and which recognizes the rights of citizens to enjoy residential and recreational activities without undue intrusion from the air and protects wildlife from harrassment from the air; and
  3. restrict aircraft usage of airspace over designated parks and all wilderness areas.