Number: 1986-25
WHEREAS, the nation’s welfare is influenced by the amount of high-quality renewable natural resources it can sustain for economic, social and environmental benefits; and
WHEREAS, approximately two-thirds of the nation’s forest, range and farm lands are in private ownership and represent the greatest opportunity to meet the increasing demand for timber, water, forage, fish, wildlife and recreation; and
WHEREAS, the President’s proposed 1987 budget seeks a drastic 47% reduction in Cooperative Extension Service funding; and
WHEREAS, the Cooperative Extension Service is a unique educational system, carried out cooperatively at the federal, state and local levels with the point of delivery to the citizens primarily at the county level; and
WHEREAS, the basic mission of Extension programs is to educate and inform adults and youth, stressing the application of existing knowledge and new technology resulting from research; and
WHEREAS, education is critical to the proper management of renewable natural resources, and Public Law 95-306 (The Renewable Resources Extension Act of 1978) authorized comprehensive educational programs in the area of natural resources;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 20-23, 1986, in Seattle, Washington, express its opposition to the total elimination of funding for the Renewable Resources Extension Act.