Land Exchanges Between the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service

Number: 1985-25


WHEREAS, the Administration through the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of Land Management and the Chief of the Forest Service has initiated a program to implement exchanges of responsibility for massive acreages of land between the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service; and

WHEREAS, this massive program was initiated and is being implemented by administrative fiat without proper public involvement or environmental impact analysis; and

WHEREAS, there are obvious differences of land management and land use philosophy and perspective between the two agencies;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 14-17, 1985, in Arlington, Virginia, urges the Administration to cease implementation of the proposed BLM/Forest Service “interchange program”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the reasons outlined above, Congress should take prompt action to ensure that the Administration not proceed with the proposed BLM/Forest Service “interchange program”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any exchange consideration occur only following complete public review and appropriate Congressional action.