Aquatic Resources Trust Fund (Dingell-Johnson Funds Including the Wallop-Breaux Amendment)

Number: 1985-24


WHEREAS, sport fishing is an outdoor recreation activity enjoyed by more than 54 million Americans; and

WHEREAS, these millions of Americans have voluntarily initiated and enthusiastically encouraged and supported the concept of specialized taxation on sport fishing equipment and certain associated items to provide a direct fund for better management of the nation’s sport fisheries; and

WHEREAS, Congress has continued to recognize the need for this better management and development of the sport fisheries resource by amending the Dingell-Johnson Act of 1950 to create the “Wallop-Breaux” addition to the Aquatic Resources Trust Fund, thereby almost tripling the Federal aid funds available to the States for sports fisheries projects; and

WHEREAS, the President’s fiscal year 1986 budget proposal would jeopardize the permanent appropriation authorization for these funds to the States (through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) and also reduce the amount available in fiscal year 1986 by $77,000,000 and possibly impound and divert these voluntarily initiated tax dollars forever;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 14-17, 1985, in Arlington, Virginia, urges Congress, in acting upon the President’s proposed 1986 budget, to strike all language that in any way affects the permanent appropriation authorization of the earned Aquatic Resources Trust Fund to the states and/or reduces the amount of said earned funds available to the States.