Urban Fishing

Number: 1984-03


WHEREAS, over half of all Americans live in urban areas where recreational fishing opportunities often are limited; and

WHEREAS, national efforts under the Clean Water Act have made many once-polluted urban waters fishable; and

WHEREAS, lakes, rivers, bays, oceans and associated shoreline in and near urban areas offer tremendous potential for recreational fishing; and

WHEREAS, urban fishing represents energy conservation practices and also serves to protect rural resources from overexploitation;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 15-18, 1984, in Atlanta, Georgia, recognizes the potential economic, social, educational, and recreational benefits of urban fishing and urges local, State, and national governmental bodies, public agencies, industry, business, and organizations to join together to develop public access, facilities, publicity, and management programs for urban fishing.