Number: 1984-25
WHEREAS, the United Nations has officially proclaimed the period 1983-1992 as the Decade of Disabled Persons and has urged all nations and organizations to improve the quality of life for the world’s half billion persons with disabilities and to prevent disabling conditions; and
WHEREAS, the National Year of the Disabled Persons in 1982 led to widespread commitment and action furthering the full participation of America’s 35 million persons with disabilities in all aspects of community and national life; and
WHEREAS, the President has proclaimed and the Congress has resolved that this period should be observed as the Decade of Disabled Persons in the United States; and
WHEREAS, these disabled persons seek the same opportunity as other Americans to enjoy our nation’s natural beauty in a manner compatible with the natural ecosystems and the legislated purposes of public lands; and
WHEREAS, through its conservation education programs the National Wildlife Federation can promote the furtherance of the following goals:
- Expanded environmental educational opportunities,
- Improved access to natural interpretive facilities,
- Expanded availability of multi-sensory interpretative programs,
- Development of conservation education materials for the disabled;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 15-18, 1984, in Atlanta, Georgia, joins with the National Organization on Disability in helping to attain the above four goals for Americans with disabilities.