Number: 1984-06
WHEREAS, the U.S. Corps of Engineers has been forced to close recreational boating locks throughout the United States by lack of funding from the Reagan Administration; and
WHEREAS, the recreational boating locks are enjoyed by thousands of people each year; and
WHEREAS, many of these recreational boating lock systems are of great historical value, being in some instances over 100 years old; and
WHEREAS, many of the individual states and private companies have spent millions of dollars improving the water quality of the rivers involved; and
WHEREAS, recreational boating is presently enjoying great popularity;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 15-18, 1984, in Atlanta, Georgia, that the Federal Government be urged to continue funding of these recreational locks and dams until such time as local and/or state governments can take them over; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Federal Government continue to pay 25% of the maintenance costs of the locks that have been designated as National Historical Sites.