Number: 1983-26
WHEREAS, the Reagan Administration has established the Payment-In-Kind (PIK) program to reduce acreages of certain crops now in surplus for 1983, and
WHEREAS, the PIK program may continue for several years, and
WHEREAS, the former federal soil bank program, which required permanent vegetative cover plantings, provided significant conservation benefits, such as increased wildlife populations and the rebuilding of soil, and
WHEREAS, the establishment of vegetative cover for PIK acres would have significant wildlife and soil benefits,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 17-20, 1983, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, requests the federal government urge that all acres set aside as part of the PIK program be planted in vegetative cover and that these acres be managed for conservation benefits,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that state and local ASCS committees should make every effort to see that this program provides such conservation benefits as wildlife habitat, sediment retention, and erosion and water control.