Upper Mississippi River

Number: 1982-24


WHEREAS, a “Comprehensive Master Plan for the Management of the Upper Mississippi River System” has recently been completed which shows a distinct bias toward commercial use of the river for barge traffic; and

WHEREAS, such “master plan” recommends the construction of a second, 600-foot lock at Alton, Illinois, in addition to the new 1,200-foot lock now under construction, and that such second lock be exempt from review under the National Environmental Policy Act; and

WHEREAS, much of the Upper Mississippi River is a National Wildlife Refuge; and

WHEREAS, increased barge traffic will curtail recreational use of the river and cause turbulence and sedimentation damaging to commercial and recreational fishing to backwaters and sloughs along the river; and

WHEREAS, the President has proposed that waterway user fees be set at levels that will recover the full costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of the inland waterway system; and

WHEREAS, the recent study completed by the Secretary of Transportation as required by Section 205 of the Inland Waterway Revenue Act of 1978 found that inland waterway traffic will increase substantially by the year 2000, with or without waterway user fees; and

WHEREAS, the environmental degradation associated with the construction and operation of new inland waterway projects, on the Upper Mississippi River and elsewhere, would be limited if only those projects which are economically justified and for which users are willing to repay the costs through user fees are constructed;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 18-21, 1982 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, urges that the Upper Mississippi River should be managed and developed to achieve the dual objectives of national economic development and environmental quality on a co-equal basis; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that necessary remedial work for the restoration and long term protection of sloughs and backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River be undertaken as quickly as possible, with costs being allocated to navigation as appropriate; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no additional lockage capacity be authorized or constructed at Alton, Illinois, in the absence of full cost recovery from users, a timely and comprehensive environmental impact statement, and the prior or concurrent enactment and development of necessary features for the restoration and protection of sloughs and backwaters and the improvement of recreational opportunity; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports the full recovery of federal costs of construction, operation, maintenance, and fish and wildlife mitigation, for the inland waterway system through user fees.