Number: 1982-18
WHEREAS, the United States Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management are rapidly converting the remaining old growth timberlands to intensively managed second growth forests; and
WHEREAS, old growth forests provide significant benefits for water quality, genetic diversity, soil productivity, and the general health of the forest ecosystem; and
WHEREAS, many wildlife species dependent on older stands of forest lands for their habitat will be lost or displaced under second growth forest management; and
WHEREAS, it is the Forest Service’s and the Bureau of Land Management’s responsibility to provide habitat for wildlife species utilizing lands under their jurisdiction;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, assembled March 18-21, 1982 in annual meeting, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, opposes complete conversion of old growth forest stands to second growth on public lands, and supports a program that would retain a sufficient amount of these forests in old growth to meet wildlife habitat requirements, protect aquatic communities, and maintain the health of the forest ecosystem.