Number: 1982-23
WHEREAS, construction and operation of hydroelectric facilities on the Columbia River and its tributaries has imposed severe detrimental impacts upon migratory fish of the Columbia River System; and
WHEREAS, construction and operation of hydroelectric facilities on the Columbia River and its tributaries has restricted, impaired or destroyed significant portions of habitat essential to the survival, maintenance or enhancement of many game and non-game species, and has adversely affected resident fish; and
WHEREAS, the residents and nonresidents of the Pacific Northwest region have and do use and enjoy the Columbia River System’s fish and wildlife resources for recreational, aesthetic and economic pursuits; and
WHEREAS, the use and enjoyment of the Columbia River System’s fish and wildlife resources has historically formed an integral part of the social and economic environment, and the way of life, in the Pacific Northwest; that way of life is now threatened by the impacts of hydroelectric facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Section 4(h) does establish criteria and procedures wherein fish and wildlife needs must be integrated into hydroelectric power planning and river operations on an equal basis with power;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual convention assembled March 18-21, 1982, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, does embrace the Congressional mandate as set forth in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Section 4(h) to resolve fish and wildlife/energy issues. To this end, the National Wildlife Federation concurs in the following recommendations made by various state and federal fish and wildlife agencies and appropriate Indian tribes as necessary to achieve this mandate:
- restore natural migratory fish spawning and rearing habitat(s);
- provide fish passage facilities to accommodate migratory fish migration;
- establish instream flows sufficient to sustain migratory fish spawning, rearing, and migration requirements;
- provide careful hatchery development to compensate for fish losses that cannot be prevented;
- protect, mitigate and enhance game and non-game wildlife and their habitat and resident fishery habitat in the Columbia River basin; and
- restructure the water and power decision-making to integrate fish and wildlife as a fully equal partner with the other purposes of the hydroelectric system of the Columbia River and its tributaries; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation urges the Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council to adopt a comprehensive fish and wildlife program for the Columbia River Basin building upon the recommendations submitted to it by the fish and wildlife agencies and appropriate Indian tribes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation requests that the Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council provide means to acquaint the public with the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act and, in particular, its fish and wildlife programs, and seek full public participation in the formulation of the fish and wildlife program to be implemented pursuant to said Act.