Anti-Wildlife Management in Educational Programs

Number: 1980-24


WHEREAS, in 1978, the National Wildlife Federation re-emphasized its support of scientific wildlife management practices, including regulated hunting, fishing, and trapping in recognition of the fact that these activities are legitimate recreational pursuits; and

WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation continues to consider education of both youths and adults in scientifically accurate and responsible methods of conservation and wise use of our wildlife resources as essential to the nation’s well-being; and

WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation continues to distribute high quality, scientifically accurate, and responsible educational materials in efforts to enhance a proper understanding of good wildlife management techniques, including the proper roles of hunting, fishing, and trapping;

WHEREAS, efforts to eliminate hunting, fishing, and trapping are being directed at school-age children through anti-hunting, and anti-fishing, and anti-trapping materials and to adults through press and radio-TV releases; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled in Miami Beach, Fla., March 20-23, 1980, hereby expresses its urgent concern about an apparent growth in anti-hunting, anti-fishing, and anti-trapping sentiment throughout the country, as indicated in recent polls, and calls upon sportsmen, wildlife managers, and others interested in sound wildlife management to join the National Wildlife Federation in efforts to more fully acquaint the American people with accurate information about the principles of sound wildlife management; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation shall continue its policy of working with and offering assistance to corporations, associations, institutions, authors, publishers, and others in the development of educational materials which include information based upon scientific wildlife management principles.