Number: 1979-10
WHEREAS, inflation, the taxpayers’ revolt, and requirements to provide new services are creating serious funding problems for fish and wildlife agencies at a time when these agencies need increased funding; and
WHEREAS, certain segments of the public continue to seek special privileges such as universal reciprocal hunting and fishing licenses which would allow individuals to hunt or fish in any state upon the payment of a single license fee; and
WHEREAS, out-of-state license sales provide essential revenues for the scientific management of fish and wildlife in certain states;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 22-25, 1979, in Toronto, Ontario, hereby strongly opposes any effort to establish universal or nationwide reciprocal hunting or fishing licenses which would allow individuals to hunt or fish in all states upon the payment of a single license fee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation opposes any special interest license fee structure that would diminish the funds available for fish and wildlife management purposes.