Number: 1979-08
WHEREAS, all wildlife, including those species listed as endangered or threatened, are interesting and important members of natural ecosystems; and
WHEREAS, some rare species, particularly raptors, have economic value and occasionally enter into domestic and international trade despite laws prohibiting such activity; and
WHEREAS, even those individuals interested only in observing or photographing rare wildlife, by their presence and activities, may contribute to nest or den abandonment or destruction; and
WHEREAS, such activities often are encouraged by publication of specific locations of nest sites, den sites, roosts or other areas within critical habitats in scientific journals, environmental impact statements, planning documents, critical habitat proposals, or by recording in government files where such information is readily available to the public; and
WHEREAS, publication or availability of such specific information may not be in the best interests of the species concerned and generally is not required for the purpose of the publication and/or proposal;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 22-25, 1979, in Toronto, Ontario, strongly urges that such specific site location information not be published in documents readily available to the public or those interested in exploitation for economic profit.