Comparative Values of Recreational and Commercial Fisheries

Number: 1979-13


WHEREAS, the adverse impact of increased human activities is causing declines in marine fisheries resources and overfishing can result; and

WHEREAS, there is a growing awareness of the value of marine recreational fishing; and

WHEREAS, studies, environmental impact statements, and other reports are being developed to determine comparative values between commercial and recreational fisheries; and

WHEREAS, an accurate assessment of both these values must be considered in the determination of “optimum yield,” as required in the Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (P.L.94-265); and

WHEREAS, a recognition of the basic difference between the two fisheries is essential to understand that two separate and different measurements of value are required;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 22-25, 1979, in Toronto, Ontario, hereby declares that the recreational fishermans’ right of access to publicly-owned fisheries resources is distinct from, and superior to, the privilege granted commercial fishermen to harvest these resources for private profit, and urges that all persons and agencies making assessments of the comparative values of commercial and recreational fisheries clearly acknowledge this distinction; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, while fully recognizing the human needs and desires of consumers of fishery products, the National Wildlife Federation urges the adoption of the above policy in management decisions involving all harvestable inland and marine fisheries.