Citizen Participation Funding

Number: 1979-09


WHEREAS, in order for government agencies to adopt fair rules for environmental protection, there must be citizen participation in agency proceedings; and

WHEREAS, the high cost of participation frequently keeps non-profit citizen groups from becoming effectively involved in proceedings affecting health, welfare, safety, and the environment;

WHEREAS, in a time of growing government austerity, there is a special need to consult with interests which have traditionally been underrepresented in agency proceedings;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 22-25, 1979, in Toronto, Ontario, hereby urges all state and federal executive and legislative bodies to promote greater citizen participation in government by establishing funding programs for citizen groups to participate in all phases of agency proceedings, including rule-makings, licensings and adjudications; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the National Wildlife Federation that funding decisions should be based on a reasonable expectation of whether the applicant citizen group can contribute significantly to a fuller understanding of the issue at hand and whether that group will provide expertise which would not ordinarily be supplied by other interests.