Warrior Tombigbee and Related Projects

Number: 1978-38


WHEREAS, the Corps of Engineers is carrying out major public works projects in Alabama and is now proposing “new” projects, such as the Warrior-Tombigbee project, which will have serious and adverse wildlife impacts; and

WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation believes that all of the components and impacts of public works projects should be fully disclosed to the public and to decision-makers; and

WHEREAS, the diversion of cost charges from existing projects to these new projects is an affront to knowledgeable people and an effort to hide or misrepresent the total costs of these projects, thereby depriving responsible decision-makers of a full disclosure of such costs;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled, March 16-19, 1978, in Phoenix, Arizona, hereby urges that studies of the full costs, benefits and impacts of the Warrior-Tombigbee project and all directly related projects be conducted together, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the results of these studies be made fully available to the public and to decision-makers at the earliest possible time and before further irreversible commitments are made to these projects.