Number: 1978-28
WHEREAS, the U.S. Forest Service, in the Elgin Planning Unit draft environmental impact statement, proposes a harvest-oriented alternative for the Walla Walla River Drainage; and
WHEREAS, water resources of the watershed comprise the economic lifeline of the Walla Walla valley for irrigation and other domestic uses, and any losses would impact adversely upon the economics of the area; and
WHEREAS, the Walla Walla drainage provides excellent habitat for deer, elk, steelhead, salmon, rainbow trout, and dollyvarden, and is used widely by the public for a variety of recreational purposes; and
WHEREAS, the quality and quantity of timber within the Walla Walla watershed is insufficient to warrant the losses of water and recreational resources through timber harvesting and associated road construction;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 16-19, 1978, in Phoenix, Ariz., hereby opposes the timber-harvesting plan proposed for the Walla Walla River drainage.