Number: 1978-02
WHEREAS, the national policy to fully develop the substantial energy and mineral resources of the western United States will require enormous amounts of scarce water, thereby jeopardizing existing uses of water, including instream flows for fish and wildlife; and
WHEREAS, opportunities are available under both state and federal law to reserve or appropriate for the benefit of the public minimum biological stream flows, lake levels, and groundwater supplies for the protection of fish and wildlife; and
WHEREAS, the protection of fish and wildlife, which are public resources, is a governmental public trust responsibility;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 16-19, 1978, in Phoenix, Ariz., hereby supports measures to protect fish and wildlife habitat through instream flows and in situ water reservations or appropriations, and, further, encourages state and federal governments to work together to identify and reserve, wherever possible, minimum flows for the protection of instream uses, especially in water-short areas.