Number: 1978-25
WHEREAS, the Lake Michigan shoreline of Indiana originally was proposed for designation as a national park in 1916 by Steven T. Mather, first director of the National Park Service; and
WHEREAS, this shoreline and its associated sand dunes, wetlands, and plant communities constitute a natural resource of national significance, as evidenced by the location of four National Natural Landmarks in the vicinity; and
WHEREAS, urban and industrial development already has obliterated substantial acreage of unprotected dunelands; and
WHEREAS, legislation enacted in 1976 to enlarge the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore called for a one-year study of the feasibility and cost of acquiring certain key tracts for inclusion within the National Lakeshore; and
WHEREAS, such studies as required by law have been completed by the National Park Service, and provide ample documentation of the values of the study areas;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 16-19, 1978, in Phoenix, Ariz., hereby urges that the Congress enact legislation to enlarge and substantially complete the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization supports the prompt and timely acquisition of all such lands, and the retention of the full authority of the Secretary of the Interior to manage lands and improvements therein for the purposes for which the lakeshore was established.