Water Flow Reservations for Fish and Wildlife

Number: 1977-21


WHEREAS, Montana water law provides that fish and wildlife and recreation are beneficial uses of water, along with such traditional uses as agriculture, domestic supplies, industry, and power; and

WHEREAS, the Yellowstone River is a free-flowing aquatic ecosystem supporting a variety of game and non-game fish and wildlife of national importance; and

WHEREAS, unlimited developments requiring diversions of natural flows will not leave sufficient water for in-stream uses on many occasions, resulting in deterioration of this natural resource;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 24-27, 1977, in Washington, D.C., hereby supports the principles expressed by the Montana Department of Fish and Game in its application for reservation of instream water flows for fish and wildlife, habitat preservation, and recreational purposes in the Yellowstone Basin, recognizing that such a reservation will temper the issurance of new diversionary water use permits for other purposes, and that adequate reserves of water be set aside to assure full protection of wildlife in the stream.