Protection for Missouri River

Number: 1977-30


WHEREAS, the section of the Missouri River between Yankton, S.D., and Ponca, Nebraska, constitutes the last reach of the old wide-bed, meandering stream remaining in a relatively natural state; and

WHEREAS, the section of the Missouri River extending from Fort Randall Dam, S.D., to the mouth of the Niobrara River, Nebraska, remains unchannelled and unimpounded; and

WHEREAS, these portions of the Missouri River offer unparalleled opportunities for public enjoyment of natural scenic beauty and quality types of outdoor recreation, the enhancement and propagation of wildlife and fish and the preservation of woodlands and wetlands; and

WHEREAS, these sections contrast vividly with other portions of the Missouri which have been channelized for navigational purposes with accompanying water quality degradation, illogical land use conversion, woodlands and wetland destruction, loss of wildlife and fisheries habitat, and lack of public access;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 24-27, 1977, in Washington, D.C., hereby opposes channelization, hard-bank stabilization, and other measures which would alter the natural, free-flowing, meandering character of these portions of the Missouri River; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization recommends that the Congress, after appropriate studies, designate these sections of the Missouri River as units of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.