Number: 1977-26
WHEREAS, the portion of the Central Arizona Project known as the Orme Dam, sited at the confluence of the Salt and Verde Rivers, will flood approximately twenty-five (25) miles of desert streamside habitat, which is the last stream habitat with concommitant natural growth of its kind within a radius of sixty (60) miles of the dam site; and
WHEREAS, habitat necessary for unique species of wildlife, such as the Black hawk and the endangered Southern Bald Eagle (because of their nesting and feeding habits) could be destroyed or seriously degraded;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 24-27, 1977, in Washington, D.C., hereby opposes the construction of the Orme Dam as proposed at the confluence of the Salt and Verde Rivers because of the anticipated destruction of riparian habitat and adverse effect on wildlife.