Number: 1977-09
WHEREAS, reliance on automobile transportation has led to reduction in air quality, great consumption of energy resources, increased water pollution, and loss of wildlife habitat and living space to highways, parking lots, and automobile-oriented facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Nation’s natural waterways are being subject to persistent dredging and channelization for barge transportation, at the taxpayer’s (and without user) expense, and with great loss of fish and riparian habitat; and
WHEREAS, the Federal-Aid Highway Trust Fund has been used almost exclusively for highway building and has not adequately recognized the need for balanced development of various modes of transportation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 24-27, 1977, in Washington, D.C., hereby supports the development and implementation of a national transportation policy whose goal will be to facilitate mobility while minimizing energy consumption, water and air pollution, and destruction of terrestrial habitat, agricultural land and open space, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation supports the wider use of the Federal Aid Highway Trust Fund for the construction of bikeways, repair and maintenance of existing roadways, the construction, operation and maintenance of mass transit system and the rejuvenation of long line rail service.