Number: 1977-07
WHEREAS, historical accounts and scientific records corroborate that changes cyclically over the long-term and fluctuates in the short-term as well; and
WHEREAS, climatic changes and fluctuations can have great environmental, economic, and social impact on world order; and
WHEREAS, it appears increasingly likely that man-caused pollution, industrial and in other forms, in inadvertently modifying the weather and causing climate fluctuations global in nature; and
WHEREAS, there is presently a limited capability for short-term statistical climatic projections but the potential for long-range climatic prediction cannot be assessed, much less realized, without additional basic research; and
WHEREAS, U.S. efforts to exploit its climatic prediction capability and to vigorously pursue research are negatively affected by the lack of a lead agency within the Federal establishment; and
WHEREAS, there is a need to develop a global climate monitoring system to support early warning and prediction efforts;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 24-27, 1977, in Washington, D.C. hereby urges the Federal Government to vigorously pursue programs aimed at expeditiously abating pollution and enhancing environmental quality, specifically identifying a lead agency to coordinate all government-specifically identifying a lead agency to coordinate all government-funded climatic efforts, accelerating climatic research, developing improved climate forecasting techniques, and taking the lead in establishing a sustained, comprehensive global climate watch.