Number: 1976-25
WHEREAS, public lands consisting of approximately 750 million acres of public land, are important for the production of wood, water, wildlife, recreation, forage, and other resources; and
WHEREAS, federal natural resource management programs are not in balance to meet public needs, and fish and wildlife habitat development programs are not adequate to protect and manage these important resources; and
WHEREAS, Congress, in passing Public Law 93-452, recognized the need to intensify habitat management programs on public lands, and directed that comprehensive fish and wildlife development plans be prepared in cooperation with the respective States; and
WHEREAS, planned management of these public lands and their waters offers opportunities to increase their yield of wildlife and fish, provide aesthetic opportunities, and contribute to the economic benefits of the Nation; and
WHEREAS, federal agencies are preparing, or have prepared in cooperation with respective States, comprehensive wildlife and fishery programs which will meet the objectives of Public Law 93-452, and provide protection and management to these important resources; and
WHEREAS, funds authorized in accordance with PL 93-452, have not been made available to implement these joint State-Federal programs;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 19-21, 1976, at Louisville, Ky., hereby endorses and supports the principles of intensified wildlife and fish habitat management on public lands as expressed by Congress in PL 93-452, and recommends that all necessary actions be taken to expeditiously accomplish its purposes.