Dams on the Kootenai and Yak Rivers

Number: 1976-14


WHEREAS, Libby Dam impounded nearly 100 miles of the mainstream Kootenai River and 50 miles of tributaries; and

WHEREAS, relocation of the Burlington Northern Railroad through the Fisher River, Wolf Creek, and Fortine Creek has resulted in extensive channelization and habitat destruction for 12 miles of stream; and

WHEREAS, the opportunity for quality stream fishing continues to decline rapidly due to stream channelization, water pollution, and dam construction; and

WHEREAS, free-flowing rivers are a great natural heritage which need to be protected as part of our life style; and

WHEREAS, energy conservation and sound flood plain management are objectives this nation still has not achieved;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 19-21, 1976, in Louisville, Ky., hereby opposes additional dams in the Kootenai and Yaak River drainages in Montana and recommends studies be authorized to determine if they qualify for classification and protection as parts of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.