Number: 1975-17
WHEREAS, an estimated 26 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves have been discovered associated with oil resources now being developed at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska; and
WHEREAS, utilization of these resources by the Nation is of a high order of priority and inevitability; and
WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation has a deep concern for the potential environmental impact of the several alternative proposals now before the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Federal Power Commission and is examining available information related thereto; and
WHEREAS, available information relating to the full range of alternatives is lacking, but is available for both the Alaskan and conterminous state routes as proposed by Arctic Gas Company, the latter of which parallels existing lines primarily after entering the Lower 48 States, thus providing a basis for judgment as to environmental impacts following several years of operation of the existing lines; and
WHEREAS, utilization of the natural gas component of the Prudhoe Bay fields is indicated as an energy conservation measure by virtue of ongoing crude oil exploration;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual convention assembled March 14-16, 1975, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hereby urges prompt, specific and definitive assessments of environmental impacts of all alternatives; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, until such information is available, the National Wildlife Federation will consider, without endorsement, only that route which presents:
- adequate pre-project environmental assessments which provide a basis for judgment from the standpoint of environmental impact;
- provides the most efficient and hazard-free method of transportation;
- assures maximum conservation of energy;
- meets the broadest national interest consistent with environmental safeguards.