Native Rights to Fish and Wildlife

Number: 1975-30


WHEREAS, the National Wildlife Federation is dedicated to the principles of sound, scientific wildlife management; and

WHEREAS, this organization upholds the Constitution of the United States of America, including those provisions which state that all citizens must receive equal treatment under law, regardless of race, creed or color; and

WHEREAS, special privileges have been granted to minority groups who are citizens of the United States; and

WHEREAS, recent Federal Court decisions relating to Indian treaties and fishing and hunting rights have provided superior rights to treaty Indian people; and

WHEREAS, these superior rights are creating serious adverse problems for the scientific management of fish and wildlife resources;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 14-16, 1975, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hereby expresses its belief that the Federal Government should undertake with all possible haste a study of existing treaties with all tribes of American Indians with the intent of determining and making changes which are necessary to achieve the goal of equal rights for all its citizens and to insure conservation of fish and wildlife resources.